Sorry, it's finals week

by talkbackty on Jul 20, 2011

I'm graduating in two days.  I have a lot of thoughts but not a lot of time to write.  Hopefully I will be able to soon.  Until then here are some blogs that I enjoy, maybe you will too.

Zen Habits Note the stunning similarities to my own blog.  I really like this guy.

Seth's Blog  My mom sent me a link to this guy's site.  Good stuff with a business edge, but with a minamilist style that I appreciate.

Partick Rothfuss' Blog The writer of writers.  His blog is funny but is more for the fan than the general reader.

Vlog Brothers A super special gift!  That is the youtube channel page for John and Hank Green.  It has hundreds of videos that are all amazing in their own way.  That's pure hours of enjoyment that's been stamped with my approval.

DFTBA everyone!