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I'm graduating in two days. I have a lot of thoughts but not a lot of time to write. Hopefully I will be able to soon. Until then here are some blogs that I enjoy, maybe you will too.
Zen Habits Note the stunning similarities to my own blog. I really like this guy.
Seth's Blog My mom sent me a link to this guy's site. Good stuff with a business edge, but with a minamilist style that I appreciate.
Partick Rothfuss' Blog The writer of writers. His blog is funny but is more for the fan than the general reader.
Vlog Brothers A super special gift! That is the youtube channel page for John and Hank Green. It has hundreds of videos that are all amazing in their own way. That's pure hours of enjoyment that's been stamped with my approval.
DFTBA everyone!
Fredric Chopin's Prelude in E Minor
I think I first fell in love with this song while I was watching an episode of The West Wing. It's incredibly moving. Apparently simple but terribly complex. It's all about the timing; which is something I could never pick up while playing the piano._______________Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah
Also a West Wing song. If it comes on at the right time I tear up. It's unavoidable. It's hauntingly beautiful. I think I can say without a doubt that it's my favorite song. At any given moment I might say something different, but if I take time to think about it...I always come back to this one.___________________Pink Floyd's High Hopes (Live in Gdańsk)
Okay to be fair, this was the song playing as I was writing. And yes, I posted this a couple of days ago. I'm high on Pink Floyd right now; get over it. This entire song is amazing, but the back half features a few solos; one on metal strings, the other acoustic; that are quite possibly the most beautiful things ever. That's my take at least.__________________Howard Shore's Concerning Hobbits
Shore's work on Lord of the Rings is a masterpiece. Whether or not you like the movies, the score is one of the greatest things produced in my generation. Concerning Hobbits is a simple choice because it makes me feel so damn happy. I will literally start skipping, dancing, or just moving whenever I hear this song.
When I have class at 8am I can't sleep.
When I have no class I go to bed at 10pm.
I write excellent poetry when I'm in love,
or depressed.
I always write excellent poetry.
Played this at least 10 times on repeat today. Last four minutes are magic.
"You don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened." -John Green
In this case, I wish I could remember falling asleep three hours ago.
Got my invite to Google+, finally. Thanks Izzy and Kandace for the near simultaneous invites.
I'm not a guy who minds multiple social networks. In the past six months I've started a podcast, two twitter accounts, three new emails (in addition to my 3 old ones), this blog, and, now, Google+. I can handle the social scene okay.
I'm no pro. That's for sure. But I do alright with the managing part. So Google+ wasn't that big of stretch for me.
Like any new site, especially one still in Beta, it doesn't know what it is yet. Not to seem ironic, but in The Social Network Jesse Eisenberg says, "We don't know what TheFacebook is yet, we just know that it's cool."
Google+ is cool. It's got some serious possibility too. When you bring the power of Google to a social network you I expect big things. The Sparks section could really take off. Right now on almost every page I visit there is a little +1 Google symbol. Now that symbol means something. Every time I read or watch something on the internet I click that and bam, Sparks adapts and changes to fit my needs. It still needs work, but the idea is good.
Here's the real kicker. And this is specific to me. I don't want a replacement for facebook. I want a replacement for Twitter. Twitter is great because it allows me to connect with everyone from Kevin Smith to James (TalkBack guest host from Australia). Without Twitter neither of those things is possible. But Twitter is a mess. The message board is beyond pointless if you have more than 10 friends, which if you're like me and trying to spread the word, you do.
That's where circles can come in. I can categorize my celebrities in one circle. My friends in another, my strangers in another. And still get all the functionality I need. Wow, great concept.
What Google+ lacks right now, at least for my needs, is the public connection that Twitter has. I consider this the hashtag. Greatest invention on Twitter ever. Say I want to mention LOST in a status update. And I want my update to be seen by people who like LOST. #LOST. Done.
Google+ has no way to connect with anyone that you don't specifically know. Not even something like Facebook groups. I don't personally like Facebook groups, but I love Twitter hashtag. If Google+ can incorporate that somehow, and really expand the user base. I'll be sold on it as my new public profile.
What I want Facebook to become is the super exclusive site. I want only my closest friends on that. The ones that I'm actually interested in talking to. Maybe 50-100 tops.
All my high school, college, work, life people- go to Google+. That's where I could, theoretically, interact with people I'm interested in following but not interested in staying up to date with.
"Hey, Tommy is visiting Canada. That's way cool. But I still ain't talking to Tommy anytime soon."
On Facebook these are my "Like-only" friends. I don’t' comment, chat, or wall post with any of them; but I will "Like" if they have a witty status update or cool photo.
Again this is all very specific to me. I know other people are looking for something to completely replace facebook, or don't care at all about Google+. What I want is for there to exist two profiles; my private (facebook) and public (Google+).
If there's anyone out there who agrees and has some power over the direction of Google+...make that happen. Pleaseandthankyou.
"You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot." -John Green
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Oooo pretty...forget everything I'm about to say. Blowing things up is fun! |
For a little fun here is a good quiz. I got 9 out of 12. Let me know how you do in the comments.
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